
18.The eldest son

Children from birth up to one week: the environment: the eldest son.

Some parents might think.
The eldest son would be delighted to have parents like brand new.
Because my parents happy.
I would rejoice too.
But that fact.
Having a brand new is always sad.
For children, the eldest is over who will rejoice
Before birth because their parents are often busy.
Preparing for use with children.
People often say the Round.
"Mom, do not take me then. Despite the new brother. "
The eldest child feel that they are abandoned.
I first birth mother to the hospital.
Do not see mom for several days.
How much crying she'll never come back.
I do not sleep mother
To sleep with her father did not like sleeping with the mother.
She is waiting persist for several days.
Mother's time to go home.
After seeing the page templates.
I'm pleased caper
Instead, even to wanton
Soothe the equation with the little girl waiting for a long time.
Mother returned to take care of a brand new rich man here.
Wait a moment to wipe the bottom of the milk.
To change the diaper.
I saw the eldest son would have so jealous brother.
Hate is a normal brother.

Children 2 years and never had a case.
Remove plastic cap to 50 days younger age.
Suffocation and death.
Therefore a matter of feeling, the eldest son.
It is not that still Doodai.
When the mother returned from the hospital Poyae.
Who should care are the first.
The eldest son persist for several days waiting mother.

If the eldest child aged under 3 years old.
You should not give milk in front of my brother.
And now back to the hospital.
You should find a new toy to the child, the eldest.
Distraction of gas to go to the toy.

Jealous brother on this.
Each child is different.
Some very jealous. Some are not at all Impact Cha.
But habits of each child.
Parents take children to observe themselves.
Even though you might have to close my brother.
To avoid any jealous brother.
If the eldest child sick with cough
Or mucous
It is not the same room with freshman
Especially if the patient is the eldest son disease.
If the eldest son as whooping cough.
Be careful to connect to a brother.
Even then disappeared.
But also the infection in the body.
About a month.
(Except if the correct antibiotic.
Pertussis infection is killed.)
You must separate the ball from at least one month
If less than a month old infants have been infected with whooping cough.
Symptoms are heavy and tortured.
Your mother should be careful to Be hard

If the eldest son as diphtheria
Or diarrhea, it would be admitted to the hospital.
And doctors continue to return home when
Free from disease and.
Do not matter what.
You should separate the two children on a few Sunday.
To be safe.
Their asthma allergic asthma hives in the air.
This disease is not to infect the baby.
But be careful blister wounds.
May be contacted by a contact with the serum

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